How to make more money as a veterinary technician

how to make more money as a veterinary technician

Of course, considering the level of schooling this career requires, coupled with the student loan costs and the level of commitment, that changes for some people technicixn they become adults. But the love for animals and the desire to work with animals might remain. One of the more difficult tasks job seekers face is finding a career that pays enough money, as well as one they will enjoy. But money also matters, and like it or not, it has to be a priority. The key is finding a balance. That is, doing what you love for money, as opposed to doing what you love in hopes that you will earn money. If animals are your passion — the field that makes you want to get up and do something — then you can certainly achieve this balance. Census data.

Salary by Region

Being a veterinary technician is a very rewarding job. A lot of veterinary technicians have on-the-job training, foregoing the traditional degree program for learning at the helm of a veterinary clinic. However, most clinics agree that they pay more for technicians with a board certification. Having a certification will also give you more job options. Combining your years of experience with a license will do wonders for how hirable you are. Becoming a VTS opens up the possibility of working in larger, more specialized hospitals, such as, universities, referral hospitals, or research facilities. There are currently nine recognized specialties:. Specialties require a few years of additional training. You have to log hundreds of hours of work in your chosen specialty, as well as a research project and an intensive exam once your work is complete. As a VTS, your resume will automatically stand out above even the most experienced veterinary technicians. Research labs make more money than veterinary clinics do, so they also pay their staff more.

Salary and Qualifications

If you work in a research lab, you are responsible for the care of the animals in the lab. Part of the reason lab techs get paid more is because the job can be very difficult emotionally. Certified veterinary technicians with plenty of experience have a great resume to present to magazines or website owners.

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Board-certified veterinarians earn salaries at the top end of the veterinary salary spectrum, usually averaging six figures. After achieving Diplomate status in their particular specialty area, they are well compensated for acquiring additional expertise. Farriers provide comprehensive care and maintenance for the equine foot, applying shoes when needed and trimming the hoof to maintain proper balance. Farriers may learn the requisite skills for this career path either by taking classes at a trade school or apprenticing with an experienced professional. An American Farriers Journal survey found that the average annual salary for full-time farriers in the U. The job requires a fair amount of physical labor, but that is offset by the strong compensation available with no college degree required. Animal nutritionists work to create nutritionally balanced rations for pets and livestock. Animal nutritionists are included as a part of the food scientist category in surveys conducted by the BLS. Nutritionists who achieve board certification as veterinary nutritionists can earn significantly higher salaries.

how to make more money as a veterinary technician

Veterinary Technician Career Guide

What are typical veterinary technician salaries? Do some companies pay a lot more for this position than others? What does a top earner make in this field? What skills should you learn to increase your salary? If I wanted to be rich, I wouldn’t be in this field! I get my payment from the satifaction of working with the animals.

Veterinary Technician Career Guide

How to become one: Animal caretakers must have at least a high school diploma. Technicians must also acquire laboratory experience. Work Environment. By Dawn Rosenberg McKay. Most workers receive on-the-job training, such as the proper procedure for planting or thinning trees. This article originally appeared on Credit. She also holds a bachelor of science degree in psychology and a master of art degree in public communication from Fordham University. Sheiresa loves the color pink and a good cup of coffee. Each specialty in which they specialize can take between one and four years to complete. Some of these veterinarians specialized in one or more of 22 specialties that are recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Zoologists and wildlife biologists study animals and wildlife and how they interact with their environment. They also test blood and other samples as necessary.

From the Indeed Career Guide

In addition, breeders learn their skill through short-term on-the-job training. Demand for veterinary technicians is expected to increase in the near future due to an increase in the number of households with pets, according to the U. Verbal Communication ,ake Technicians also must be able to convey instructions to clients and veterinary assistants. Over 56, veterinarians practiced medicine in the United States as of Mayaccording to the U. A veterinarian specialist may earn more in certain industries, as do veterinarians. This career generally requires the ability to perform the following tasks:. Active Listening : Veterinary technicians need to be able to follow the instructions of supervising veterinarians and sometimes pet owners if dealing with them directly. Veterinary technicians perform medical testing with the supervision veteriinary a licensed veterinarian. In79, people were employed in the U. Some states require those desiring to become foresters to obtain a license. Veterinarian specialists may also earn more in research and development and for pharmaceutical companies, as some work with veterinarians. By Dawn Rosenberg McKay. Organizational Skills : Veterinary technicians need to keep track of lab specimens and medications for multiple animals.

How Much Does a Veterinary Technologist and Technician Make?

Veterinarian specialists usually earn the most in East Coast and West Coast states. Over 56, veterinarians practiced medicine in the United States as of Mayaccording to the U. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some of these veterinarians specialized in one or more of 22 specialties that are recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Veterinarian specialists must obtain Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees, and obtain state and national licenses through the National Technixian of Veterinary Medical Examiners. Each specialty in which they specialize can take between one and four years to complete.

Other essential requirements include manual dexterity, physical stamina, and compassion, along with veterinayr, management, analytical and problem-solving skills. As ofaverage salaries for veterinarian specialists varied significantly in some U. A veterinarian specialist may earn more in certain industries, as do veterinarians. Veterinarian specialists may also earn more in research and development and for mmoney companies, as some work with veterinarians. Veterinarian specialists earn more in Washington, D.

The bureau projects a percent increase in jobs for veterinarians, including veterinarian specialists, technicina are also veterinarians. An increase in the pet ownership population should create jobs for veterinarian specialists evterinary this much faster-than-average pace — compared to the 14 percent average for all occupations.

People are spending more on their pets in makd 21st century. Advancements in veterinarian medicine have also spawned more specialty practices, including those for cancer and kidney transplants. In79, people were employed in the U. Skip to main content. Veterinarian Assistants. References 12 U. Accessed 20 January Suttle, Rick. Work — Chron. Note: Depending on which text editor you’re pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site .

Learn About the Salary, Required Skills, & More

Veterinary technicians, according to several reports, have been in demand in the United States since the late s. This trend is expected to continue well into In the past, vet techs were popular among businesses involved in poultry and livestock, but nowadays, when practically everyone has a pet, they have become even more in demand. This is one of the reasons why a lot of people want to get into good vet tech schools. This is also one of the reasons why vet technicians receive a good salary rate. It may not be of the same level as the one doctors get, but it is good compensation for their skills, hard work, and dedication.


His main task is to assist the veterinarian when conducting tests or physical examinations for animals. They help veterinarians take care of animals who are sick or injured. Aside from the above mentioned responsibilities, a veterinary technician can also perform other functions. Some examples include:. Likewise, vet techs are also often tasked with clerical responsibilities like file organization and record updating. While being a pet lover will definitely be a big help for vet techs, it is not the primary qualification. Like doctors and veterinarians, vet technicians need to complete a program designed specifically for the job they want to. In the United States, several schools colleges and universities accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association or AMVA offer veterinary technician programs that provide all the necessary education, training theoretical and hands-onand licensing. After completing the program, one will not automatically become a veterinary technician. Only licensed vet techs can start working with a veterinarian in a clinic, healthcare facility, or hospital. Becoming a veterinary technician takes a lot of hard work, skills, and dedication.
