How do you make money as a music producer

how do you make money as a music producer

Looking to turn your passion for music into a full-time job? From selling beats, sample packs, or merchandise, to offering production services, or even just collecting your royalties the right way, there are a variety of money making tactics that can financially benefit you. However, with so many viable opportunities, how can you know which ones are the right ones for you? Thankfully, we have put a list together of seven moeny ways to start earning money through music production to allow you to find the best opportunity for you, given your individual skill set. Making Money in The music industry has radically changed in the past decade. That is, by signing tracks to major labels or getting booked for festivals and world tours. Most of the major labels now only want artists with a tou brand whose sound brings something new to the table but also works on the radio.

1. You’re a Music Producer, Make Music!

Producing music pays BIG. Here are 5 sure shot ways of making money whilst growing your producing career to keep you inspired and motivated:. Selling your beats through your website or Soundcloud can bring in extra cash. Blogging and providing helpful information to other producers will really allow others to trust you and view you as an expert in your field which will convert into beats sales. Signing up to song placement sites like musicgateway. A LOT of producers leave money on the table by forgetting this option. Creating your own sounds and packaging them as sound packs for purchase can attract a lot of upcoming producers and also their wallets. However, please make sure they are your own sound creations and were not created by somebody else as this would be breaking copyright law. As a producer your focus should always be to produce high-quality music which means you should now have access to or be doing it yourself :. Offer these services to people in need of them and create profit by doing so. Utilize the services YOU are using on a regular basis. Once you have subscribers, you can start monetizing your videos and YouTube will pay you once a week for it.

Working as a Music Producer

A good alternative would be to offer you services as a freelancer on specialized websites like Upwork , Guru , Freelancer. There are certainly other ways, but these are the easiest and most affordable ways to make money as a music producer. If you want to add something to this post, please use the comments section below. Thank you!

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Every music producer loves making music. So much so that it is the easy part. The challenging part is taking that passion and turning it into money so you can pay your bills and continue making more music. The music industry offers some of the most diverse income streams imaginable for those who are savvy enough to take advantage. In this post — I aim to provide some insight on how you can take your music and turn it into an income source so you can turn your passion into a full-time career.

6 Ways to Make Money

Sync Licensing What is sync licensing? Selling beats is one of the best ways to ways to make money as a music producer. If you have a website with a decent number of visitors a month, affiliate marketing and displaying ads are a great way to earn extra income. First and foremost, you need the skills to be able to do it. The traditional route is to find an internship at a recording studio. Job opening at Naughty Dog, Inc. Otherwise, working through a sample pack label will give you more exposure, meaning more sales. You can contact most sample pack companies directly via their websites. They exist to make sure you get paid when someone else uses your music. First of all, these tracks are not the same ones you would publish on a label or hear on the radio. Popular Topics.

Sync/License Tracks

To summarize: connect with video game developers who need music all of them and have a body of quality music ready. The classic route is to land an internship, which is not as hard to come by as you might think. As I explained in the descriptions above, many of these streams of revenue provide great but inconsistent income. The ideal revenue for most producers is live shows. New producer? Reach out to up and coming filmmakers about scoring projects.

Looking to turn your passion for music into a full-time job? From selling beats, sample packs, or merchandise, to offering production services, or even just collecting your royalties the right way, there are a variety of money making tactics that can financially benefit you. However, with so many viable opportunities, how can you know which ones are the right ones for you?

Thankfully, we have put a list together of seven different ways to start earning money through music production to allow you to find the best opportunity for you, given your individual skill set. Making Money in The music industry has radically changed in the past decade. That is, by signing tracks to major labels or getting booked for festivals and world tours. Most of the major labels now only want artists with a well-developed brand whose sound brings something new to the table but also works on the radio.

Getting signed to a label and becoming a touring artist has its own unique challenges that varies heavily depending on what type of artist you are. Since this can be complicated and requires personalized advice, we are going to focus on other, simpler ways to make money as a music producer.

The good news is that we live in the era of accessible internet and easy sharing, so a whole new set of opportunities is present for talented producers to earn money doing what they love! In the following sections, we will reveal seven techniques you can implement as an artist to earn money and hopefully get you closer to making a living off your music production. As an example, whenever you listen to DJ Snake on Spotify, or download his latest track on iTunes, he is generating money off your stream or download.

When one of his songs are downloaded, he gets a percentage of the sale price. When his songs are streamed, he gets a pre-negotiated rate for each play. This is a process called Royalty Licensing, which is basically collecting your fair share of profits from an original piece of music.

For now, all you need to know is that both services allow you to own the copyright to your songs and get paid for their use. First of all, there are different types of royalties. However, nowadays this also applies to streaming plays Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal and digital downloads iTunes, Beatport.

Royalties are not always easy to track. They exist to make sure you get paid when someone else uses your music. They are primarily concerned with the collection of performance royalties. By doing this, they also handle the collection of your Mechanical Royalties. Using Independent Distributors is the easiest way for you to just concentrate on music and let these companies do the work for you.

Upload unlimited songs. For more information about how to upload your music onto Spotify, click. This is called Synchronization. But how does this work exactly and how do you get your music on these libraries?

First of all, these tracks are not the same ones you would publish on a label or hear on the radio. Now, most professionals are not going to contact producers directly to get their music for the job, but they will rather go to their trusted Music Library, where they have a catalog of music available for them to dig through and purchase. Usually, most music that you hear on commercials, movies, or even video games, has been picked from a stock library. Make sure to create a custom folder of stock music to show them how versatile you are as a producer.

If you also released on labels, make sure to let them know. You can pick out any commercial or video that you find online, mute it, and try making a custom track that would fit with it!

This way you will start learning how to produce music, following the flow of an already existing media. Give it a go! Sample Packs The use of royalty-free samples has become a huge part of music production, especially in electronic music. Producers are always hunting for new, high-quality samples to develop their sound.

Having professionally processed samples is essential to achieving a polished track. If your pack contains a mix of elements, such as drums, vocals, instruments, loops, effects, and others, you need to create custom folders so people can quickly navigate to the right section.

Here are a few subfolders that you could create: Once you have done this, the final step is labeling the individual samples. Do you want better Serum presets? Download our free Ultimate Serum Library and improve your sound library today. Back to Production. Popular Topics.

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Sync/License Tracks

The first and likely the most obvious stream of income is music sales and streaming royalties. And by music sales and streaming royalties, I really mean just streaming royalties. However, streaming royalties are an increasingly viable option for artists. Making a career off of streaming royalties is the ideal situation for most artists: you make a song, and somebody gives you money for that song. How do you get started? The traditional route is to have a strong artist project with a decent following that will stream your music.


The last element to consider is revenue splits. Managers will take more on top of that, as will any collaborators you work. Below is a fantastic graphic that explains the different royalty rates of the top streaming sites. Via Xo Is Beautiful.
