How to make money cleaning homes

how to make money cleaning homes

Are you looking for a way to make some extra cash? Often other ways to make more money take a lot of time and many jobs require a lot of investment in education. Various gigs may take lots of effort and time to make a decent income. Join Pinecone Research Now. The best thing you can do before you decide to get yourself into the house cleaning business is — you guessed it — practice, practice, practice! Take time to practice deep-cleaning surfaces you might not work on much in your home, like the stove, oven, walls, baseboards, and windowsills.

24 Best Ways To Make Money from Home

Dreamworker has a lifetime of successful business, relationship, career and financial experiences she enjoys sharing with her readers. There are a good number of people who have turned to cleaning houses for a living due to the downturn in the US economy. Some think that because they cleaned their own homes, they are qualified to do the same for other people and can make money doing so. In some cases this is true, but in others not so much. This is due to the simple fact that some people have better social skills and work ethics and also understand the basics of running a business. Whether people want to admit it or not, housecleaning is a business. If it is not operated like one, it will fail. Although I have never personally owned this type of business, I have successfully owned others. I also have had a fair number of people clean my home for me over the years and have seen, first hand, why so many of them don’t do well. This article explains what you should and should not do if you decide to start your own cleaning business so that you won’t waste your time trying to accomplish a fruitless goal. Before you make a final decision about operating your own housecleaning business, it would be a good idea to spend a few months working for somebody else who is already established and has a successful operation. This will allow you to see what is involved before you invest your own money into products, equipment and advertising.

How to Make Money Cleaning Houses

If you decide to follow this route, here are the things you should be asking yourself as you work from one day to the next:. How does your boss market his business? Does he advertise in the local paper, on Craigslist or through a referral service?

how to make money cleaning homes

How much does a house cleaning cost around you?

I mean really love scrubbing all the dirt and grime that accumulates in places like the bathroom? Do you know there are companies and people out there that make some pretty good money offering their cleaning services to households and companies? They can come weekly, monthly, or whenever you think you need an some extra scrubbing. You can easily build up a small little business for yourself with little start-up costs. Some households may even provide the cleaning materials for you. This will take some elbow grease on your part. I have a friend who started out working for a cleaning company and now does her own cleaning jobs. See, this is the type of job you can easily build up through word of mouth and networking from friends, family, and organizations you may be part of. Now imagine this : You build up a good number of jobs to do a month. Now you are taking something that earned you some extra money and you are turning it into a small business. The sky is the limit as to how far you can take it. Have a friend that lives in an apartment building? But you can also make good money doing this. These days people have less time to take care of their homes which leaves you an opportunity to make some extra money!

The Business Aspects of Cleaning Services

Method 2. Not your phone number. It depends on how much you shop. No account yet? Place these in the lingerie bag. You never know where the money in your possession has been.


List your car and start earning with Turo. Some are easy, some are hard, but they all put more money in your pocket. One cleanjng the quickest ways to come up with a couple hundred dollars is by getting rid of some of the stuff laying around your house. You ohw use this to protect your paper money in the washing machine. Avoid harsh chemicals and cleaning methods that might damage currency. Looking forward and Thank you so much.

The Business Aspects of Cleaning Services

Currency changes hands constantly. You never know where the money in your possession has. As a result, coins and banknotes have a tendency to build up grime and may be loaded with bacteria. To clean paper money in the washing machine, start by placing a few bills in a lingerie bag along with a folded hand towel, which will prevent the money from getting knocked around as much in the wash.

Then, place the bag in the washing machine with a small amount of detergent, and wash the money on a gentle cycle using cold water. Finally, remove the bills from the bag and lay them out flat on a towel to dry.

To learn how to clean coins, scroll down! This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 11 references.

Categories: Handling and Storing Money. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow.

Learn more Method 1. Repurpose a lingerie laundry bag. You will use this to protect your paper money in the washing machine. Lingerie bags are small, zip-up bags made of fine mesh that are designed to safely wash delicate undergarments. The bag will keep heavy streams of water and the movements of the washing machine drum from destroying the bills.

Dollar bills are constructed mostly of cotton and durable cellulose fibers, meaning that they can safely be cleaned in a washing machine under the right conditions. Place a few loose bills in the lingerie bag. Select the dirty bills that most need cleaning. Place these in the lingerie bag. Make sure all the bills are separated and laid out flat. It may be a good idea to put a folded hand towel or some other small washable item in the bag with the paper money to keep it from getting knocked around as much during the wash cycle.

You should only clean bills that are caked with enough dirt, grease or grime to become a possible health risk. Wash the bills in cold water on a gentle cycle.

Set the washing machine to a gentle wash cycle and turn it on. Place the lingerie bag containing the money in the washing machine as it fills. Add a very small amount of detergent to the load. Let the money complete the cycle in the wash. Lay the bills out to dry. Take the lingerie bag out of the washing machine. Remove the loose bills from the bag. Be very careful: the wet money will be delicate and very easily torn. Separate the bills and lay them out on a towel or other flat, dry surface. Let the bills dry completely before handling.

Paper money should only be air-dried, just to be on the safe. Never put loose bills through the dryer or use a hair dryer or other heat source to dry. Method 2. Fill a sink or basin with warm water and mix in a gentle soap. Run some warm water into a sink or shallow basin.

For the purpose of cleaning circulating currency that changes hands often, most standard dish or hand soaps will work. Soak the dirty coins in the soapy water. Place the dirty coins into the soapy water solution. Allow them to soak anywhere from ten minutes to half an hour, depending on how soiled they are.

The warm water will loosen the caked-on dirt and grime, while the soap will kill bacteria and eat away at stains. Be sure to throw the scrubber away after using it to clean coins. Rinse the coins thoroughly. Once the coins have had ample time to soak, drain the dirty water from the sink or basin.

Then, transfer the coins to a kitchen strainer to rinse them, or simply hold them up to the faucet by hand. Run cool water over both faces of the coins until all traces of soap have been rinsed away. Set the coins on a towel to dry. Lay out an absorbent towel and place the coins on top.

Pat the coins with one end of the towel to remove excess water, then let them air dry. In roughly ten minutes, the coins will be clean, dry and ready to be handled without worry. The moisture can damage or discolor the metal, or even cause it to tarnish. Method 3. Purchase a bottle of pure acetone. Take a trip down to your local hardware store and buy a bottle of pure acetone.

Make sure you get the industrial-grade variety. Cosmetic acetone, usually sold as nail polish remover, sometimes contains scents and other stripping chemicals that can ruin the finish of a coin. Pour a couple ounces of acetone into an open container. Pour the acetone into a container with a wide opening. Acetone fumes can be detrimental to breathe, so make sure to work in a well-ventilated area.

Perform the acetone bath outside, or work near an open window to let the fumes escape. Acetone can eat through plastic, styrofoam and other synthetic materials. Soak the coins in the acetone briefly. Drop the coins you wish to clean into the bottom of the acetone-filled container. The coins will only need to soak for a minute or two to remove the worst of the grime. Direct exposure to acetone may cause irritation to the skin. Wear gloves to protect your hands when working with acetone.

Move the coins around in the acetone periodically to shake off dissolving dirt. Rinse the coins with distilled water. Take the coins out of the acetone bath. Whisk them through the acetone one last time to remove any remaining loose dirt. Shake off the excess solvent.

Then, transfer the coins to another receptacle containing pure distilled water. You can also pour the distilled water over both sides of the coins to rinse. Blot the coins with a clean towel and leave them sitting out to dry. Distilled water should be used in place of tap water because it does not contain fluoride, chlorine and other chemicals that might react negatively with the metals used to make the coins.

Tom De Backer. That ink is designed to stay on there, so you can’t just wash the bills or scrape off the ink. Criminals also don’t care about getting rid of the ink. The money usually circulates in their inner circles first in the criminal underworld, as in «You buy my drugs with your stolen money, I buy your guns with my stolen money. Yes No. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips When cleaning money, the gentlest approach is the best.

Avoid harsh chemicals and cleaning methods that might damage currency. Money that is especially dirty or damaged can be exchanged for currency in better condition at any bank.

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One Last Recommendation

People enter the residential cleaning business for a variety of reasons. Some to make a little extra income while going to school, for instance, while for others the money they make is their livelihood. But few expect to get rich cleaning houses.


Well, house cleaners might want to re-think that attitude. There are considerable possibilities and opportunities in house cleaning. One of the reasons is that demand for house cleaning services is growing. According to the U. Census Bureau, as of there are approximaly
