How can i use quora to make money

how can i use quora to make money

Quora has million monthly users making it a great sales cn to tap into with your marketing. Quora is a platform where users can pose questions and others can answer. Quora Marketing Example : Oberlo has a Quora business page. On it, we answer any Oberlo related questions people may. Several people at Oberlo engage on the platform as we all have different specialities where we can better help our users. When looking at our Quora page, pay attention to how members of our team answer your questions. Quora is a platform where people ask questions, that are open to answers from the community of Quora. In the initial years it was mostly being used by people who were familiar with the Silicon Valley scene. However, in only a year it started getting recognized by a few news stories, and slowly started gaining popularity.

So How Do You Earn Money With Quora

Quora is a social medium platform where people can ask questions, and get them answered by the other users of the site. But can you really make money on Quora? Quora is a pretty simple platform. People start discussions by asking questions, and then those discussions continue as other people answer them. As far as I can tell, there are two different ways to leverage Quora to potentially make it work for you monetarily. One option is to join the Quora Partner Program, and one is to leverage Quora as a means to help other people, and showcase your status as a professional at the same time. Starting a profile on Quora can also help you with reputation management for SEO… as it is a highly searchable platform on Google. The Quora Partner Program is basically a program where people write engaging questions on Quora, and are then rewarded for doing so through monetary compensation. The program is invite-only, and it is actually shrouded in secrecy. There is very little information about it online. If you start researching the Quora Partner Program on Quora itself, it won’t take long to come across comments about it that really berate the platform for even doing this. There was a press release on the site that announced the program back in April of You can view the announcement here.

What is Quora About

Interestingly, thanks to Quora, this question has already been asked, and has also been thoroughly answered… but the members of the community! Check out this thread for the entire discussion. As you see, it is absolutely possibly to make money in the program. But you have to ask some serious questions. And, once again, it is not so difficult to see why people would have a problem with this. You need to be invited to it by Quora. The other part of making money on Quora revolves around building a profile, answering questions that you tend to answer in your everyday business, and potentially gaining business off of those questions when people realize how much of an expert you are.

how can i use quora to make money

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And for those of you with a proficiency for writing great answers to questions, it could make you rich. Ideally, this incentivizes the experts and closet geniuses to come out of the woodwork and blow the minds of CEOs everywhere with their unique insights. Just like with all questions on Quora, answers to these sponsored questions are completely public, so everyone benefits — not just the sponsor. When the company sponsoring the question chooses the winning answer, whoever wrote it has the option of keeping the money or donating it to charity right now the two options are Stand Up To Cancer and GiveDirectly. Hopefully this changes moving forward, but as of now sponsors who put up the money and pick the winners are able to remain anonymous. The internet is full of answers and ideas, but so much knowledge remains offline, locked in our own heads. Plus, even if the money aspect were to be removed, this is still a product that caters directly to the type of person who frequents the site. Well, Quora users — up to this point at least — have not been driven by a potential financial reward. Lyft needs help scaling? I love Lyft!

Things have been changing and its not the same as it was. You can exploit this opportunity to make some good cash. Ads are incorporated within the Quora revenue model so well that they look like a part of it. If you continue with the site we’ll assume that you are happy with it. I know that there are many ways of making money online, but never though Quora is one of them. The amount depends on the country where the link is being opened. One thing that I know for sure is that you want to be in control of your online business and there are a couple ways of to do this. This product of Quora can help you become rich if you have a proficiency for writing great answers to questions. February 28, at pm. You can try various online URL Shortener services like linkshrink. But this great source of traffic has been clamping down and booting marketers as of late. Many of you give links to your Quora answer for further reference. So as you can see your actually making money using Quora indirectly. Branding Essentials.

One big concern

A Wikipedia model where your questions actually get answered. Quora business model is distinguished and is designed to stay in the market for very long. The sole motive of Quora is to generate the database of high-quality answers to questions asked by millions hw its users. Quora focuses more on building a high-quality knowledge base that remains useful forever and many features are introduced by the company to maintain the.

Features like merged questionswikidata referencestranslationsQuora sessions. Monthly active users — million. Number of topics on Quora —Started inQuora initially had no revenue earning source and actually survived on the venture capital it raised in the 4 rounds of fundings. Just like any portal with quor huge database of users and their interests, Quora has started earning money through advertisements.

Quora has tried to incorporate ads in its revenue model better than others as it focuses maie relevant ads from relevant advertisers. Ads are incorporated within the Ise revenue model so well that they look like a part of it.

You can find advertisements on the homepage as well as on the forum pages. The price that quora charge for it differ for different placements. It ohw users to visit the portal to get the best answer to their questions and not promoted content. Did we miss something? Come on! Average rating 4.

Vote count: Quora has many phoney questions and phoney answers. The reviewers have no training and cannot make the site useful. It is a total waste of time! It is a deeply biased California money maker out of the thin air.

And most of it is phoney! It IS a total waste of time. Yes Fred-The Questions are deliberate Baits. Quora has been overtaken by subversive agents-trolls. If you speak the truth they ban you. Yes Quora did this to me. They refuse to show my comments. Basically Quora has become just another globalist parasite-bleeding off data sales and advertising. Globalists have no respect for Privacy- All fat cat globalists-All in bed with China- Globalists- hate Nationalism and truth.

China is raping local business world wide and globalists enabled it-In fact they are Traitors. Look at all the many many white caucasian Paid Agents of China -singing the praises of Communist China- but they ignore the fact that China is stealing hard earned Tech-Intellectually property. China has a whole army of paid Agents to sing their praises.

China infiltrates universities using bribery and black cash. The world needs to turn to making their own products-as they did. China got rich from world wide monopoly shopping. All Thanks to globalists-Luciferians-Obama-Biden.

Thanks Obama and Biden. The Hkw are blow flies and infest local peace loving countries. They send lots of Chinese students to serve as spies. They buy up local media and local farmlands. They buy fan your best companies-using the money you spend usf their junk-junk you do not need.

For saying such things-You Tube and Quora banned me. Truth is censored. Truth is powerful -it is energy and it is light-to set people free-so that they stop being slaves to Foreigners. Good Luck and thank you for Reading. The 10 Best Slack Alternatives.

YouTube vs. Vimeo: A Detailed Comparison. Google Maps vs. Waze: A Detailed Comparison. Branding Essentials. Please log in. The login page will open in a new tab.

After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Ever sinceFacebook’s obsession with the videos was clearly evident when it launched how can i use quora to make money videos on its platform. Quora Revenue Model How does Quora make money?

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Fred Silverton says:. February 28, at pm. Nick says:. March 20, at am. May 14, at am. Govind Das Verma says:. June 22, at pm.

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I made $1,000 Dollars on Quora

Quora allows you to earn money through it’s Quora Partner Program by asking questions- sounds simple enough, right? But how much can you hope to make from Quora? Can you make thousands of dollars from Quora Partners program? Let’s explore this scepticle passive income stream and find out what it’s all. Quora has been around since and you have probably stumbled upon it before when doing google searches for specific questions. Quora allows anyone to ask questions and allows anyone to provide answers.

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The upside to this format is that even the most obscure questions can be. The bad side is that the answers provided can often lack quality, factual content and most of the time appear full of spam. Quora uses an «upvote» system to rank answers based on how many people found them useful and Quora also has a team of moderators who review questions and answer quality. Quora questions are often featured in Google Searches. When you type in a question in Google, more often than not, a Quora question will be in the top search positions, driving traffic to their website. Quora generates its revenue by having advertisements on how can i use quora to make money question and answer pages, and with millions of questions in it’s database, Quora drives massive amounts of traffic to it’s site and collects a nice amount of revenue. In SeptemberQuora hit over million monthly users. That kind of traffic equals big bucks in terms of advertising and Quora wants. The Quora Partner program is an invite-only system that will pay you real money for asking questions on Quora. That’s right- by just asking questions, you can potentially earn thousands of dollars every month. It sounds simple right? So how do you get an invite for this get-rich-quick scheme?
