Making money in cleaning business

making money in cleaning business

People enter the residential cleaning business for a variety of reasons. Some to make a little extra income while going to school, for instance, while for others the money they make is their livelihood. But few expect to get rich cleaning houses. Well, house cleaners might want to re-think that attitude. There are considerable possibilities and opportunities in house cleaning. One of the reasons is that demand for house cleaning services is growing. According to the U.

Tap all your resources.

This excerpt is part of Entrepreneur. In Start Your Own Cleaning Service , the staff at Entrepreneur Press and writer Jacquelyn Lynn explain how you can launch a profitable cleaning service, whether you want to offer maid services, janitorial services, carpet and upholstery cleaning, and more. In this edited excerpt, the authors offer words of wisdom from owners of successful cleaning businesses on what you need to do if you want to succeed in the cleaning industry. Everyone should keep their home and workplace clean and tidy, but not many people want to do this work themselves. That presents a good opportunity for entrepreneurs who don’t mind getting their hands dirty to start a cleaning business. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , there were 2. The field is expected to grow 10 percent from to That presents a good opportunity for prospective business owners in this category. If you’re interested in starting up your own cleaning business, nothing teaches as well as the voice of experience.

Never stop learning.

So we asked established cleaning service owners to tell us what’s contributed to their success and what they think causes some companies to fail. A wide range of associations serves various aspects of the professional cleaning industry. These groups can help with operational, marketing and management issues. Many state and government agencies also offer support and information for small businesses. Systems provide a structure that allows you to work consistently and efficiently, and also let you create a company that will continue to run whether you’re there or not. Create systems for every function: cleaning, laundry, supervision, reporting, customer service, accounting and management. Though time is your most valuable commodity, don’t rush so much that you get careless. Customers will usually understand when accidents happen, but you’re better off if you don’t have to fall back on that.

The Team Productivity Blog

This is a guest post from Leah Everly from Love and Blues where she supports first responders and their families. As a stay-at-home mom who’s married to a man who works an admirable but low-paying career in law enforcement, I’m always looking for ways to bring in a little extra income. That can be a challenge without an extra car or access to childcare. I replied and got the job. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it’s turned into a great arrangement! The 4 hours is pretty easy to organize around my husband’s schedule so that he’s home with the little one, and, surprisingly enough, the four hours I spend cleaning almost feels luxurious because I have a small break from being a mom.

Who Needs You to Clean

Home staging services operate in every real estate market. That is a great tip, Chris. This is a great side hustle as the work needs to be completed before the businesses open for the day. A great technique is also essential. Restaurants and service companies come to mind first. How many hours of the day does your car sit idle? Here are some fun ways you can get a decent side income. To get started, post flyers at a community college or coffee shops. People go on vacation or travel for work. Image credit: Shutterstock. Certain well-known companies pay freelancers to test their search engines. If you need a side gig, these are great options with flexible hours.

No Money — How to Start a Cleaning Business When You’re Broke ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Who Can Start a Cleaning Business

Most of these clients are running 1 — 2 crews and started out coeaning and built it up over time. As a reference point, it would require busiess cleanings per day, five days per week for 52 weeks. That is a massive house cleaning operation, but in commercial cleaning, you could do it with 12 total contracts.

Starting a cleaning business can be intimidating

This is why so many residential cleaning services gradually switch makinb to commercial cleaning. The sky is the limit with commercial cleaning if you are in the right location and have the correct work ethic. It is a lifelong pursuit. Commercial cleaning is harder to break into as a startup than residential. The most typical trajectory for a cleaning service start-up is to start out solo in home cleaning. It is a very affordable and fast business to start and it can be scaled up as big as you want. That is one unique aspect of this small business start-up niche, there are not too many start-ups that can be started with maiing no money and be scaled up so large. It is one of the easiest business to predict because cleaning is so necessary and so low-tech. There are all kinds of start-up situations.
