How does passion city church make money

how does passion city church make money

Online giving is a safe and easy way to invest in all God is doing through our House here at Passion City Church. Click the link below to create an account or sign into your existing one, and you can start managing your giving online. You can now give to Passion City Church using your mobile phone! Send a text with any amount and PCC to For example, 50 PCC. You can always give to Passion City Church by cash or check. We have a time of giving during each weekend gathering, or you can mail your gift to:. You can support Passion City Church every time you make a purchase through Amazon. Simply stated: God is not a taker. God is a giver. On the other hand, God has let go of .

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It was a six or seven week session for people that just had questions about Jesus, faith, etc. It was there that I came out as a gay woman to a church group of any kind for the first time. To my surprise, I was met with grace and love, honestly feeling like I was in a safe space where I could be my true self. I decided to apply for baptism in October I was raised Catholic and had been baptized when I was younger, but wanted to get baptized in my own right and with my new faith and relationship with Jesus. A month later, in November , as I continued to grow in relationship with people at Passion City Church, I met with one of the people on staff for baptisms for a one-on-one coffee meeting. In this meeting, we discussed what I believed about homosexuality, and I shared with her that I was about to propose to in a few weeks to my girlfriend. We had an hour-long discussion that was hard, but it was also warm. I left feeling good about the conversation. She also informed me that with it being a huge church and them only doing baptisms once a month that I had about 60 people in front of me so it would be awhile.

אודות פרק זה

But in March , I get a call from the woman who did my initial interview. I was heartbroken and crushed. They were concerned with the ninety-nine sheep, but not the one who was outside the flock, the one Jesus would have sought after. It was unbelievably hard. I felt like everything they sang, spoke and preached was a complete lie. It was a full day event and I ended up walking out thirty minutes into worship after lunch, unable to control the tears streaming from my face. I demanded a meeting with a pastor at Passion City Church.

how does passion city church make money

Our hope is to be winsome, and to befriend and serve all people. Our worship is loud because His grace is beyond anything we could dream or imagine. Our rhythm is to gather together to worship and scatter to serve. And in a world where the weight is often heavy, we want to lift people, speak life, stand for justice, add value and celebrate the goodness of our God in the best of times and when the road is steep. Born out of the Passion Movement a decades-old movement among the collegiate generation , they sought to plant a local community of faith impacted and informed by the DNA of Passion. With a small team of people, that vision took flight in , as small gatherings began in homes throughout Atlanta. The desire was to foster a family of believers connected by a common faith, on mission in the city and the world to amplify the name of Jesus.

God is a giver. Here is a link to the message. This makes it easier to blend in at larger churches. Here I am, almost six and one half years later, and have never turned back to that prodigal lifestyle. No one really shared Jesus and who He is. He generally cherry picked the scripture; he could go on for an hour on one verse. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Things only got worse, as the red flags were being signaled by God. It was a put on.

Ciyt church could definitely not be described as a megachurch. Cramped into a school hall foes a Sunday morning, if you count all the adults, children and even babes in arms we’re about people all in. Looking back over the course of my Christian life I have always chosen to be part of small to average sized churches. Indeed I believe that smaller churches have makee opportunities for the transformation of local communities and the formation of mature disciples.

But occasionally when I travel, I take the opportunity to visit a megachurch to see what all the fuss is about, and whether there is something we could take away and learn. Over the pasxion of three services they get around 6, people in the building. Not bad for a six-year-old church. They did have quite a few things going for them as they got started — it’s in the Deep South of America, an area of the US with a large church-attending population. It was formed out of a monthly youth outreach drawn together by the impressive collaboration of best-selling worship leader Chris Tomlin and the speaking gifts of Louie Giglio. But nothing can take away from the vision and excellence the team have brought to this new church.
